Kenya 🇰🇪 Teachers Are The Most Well Paid In East Africa

ANALYSIS By Dorris Otieno Kenyan teachers are not only the best paid in East Africa, but also earn almost 12 times more than the country's average pay, a comparative study by Nation Newsplex and the Institute of Economic Affairs reveals. Even as teachers go on strike for the 12th time since their first industrial action in 1962, the analysis, which compares teachers' salaries in Kenya with those of their peers in select African countries , also finds that the lowest-paid teacher in Kenya earns more than the highest-paid teacher in Uganda. Uganda and South Africa were chosen as countries against which to compare wages of teachers because they have the most up-to-date data against which the comparison could be made. While Tanzania was not included in the comparison because only average pay for the year 2011 was available, even its figures indicated that Kenyan teachers earn more than their Tanzanian counterparts. The highest paid Kenyan teacher earns almost 12 times more than the...

Why Facebook Should Be Your #1 Choice Social Media Marketing Platform

Facebook is a social networking site that had its beginnings as a sort of online college yearbook created by Harvard students. It has since expanded to be one of the most popular social sites on the web, allowing both personal profiles and business pages to post information, images, videos, polls and more. When a user “Likes” a Facebook profile or Page, they can view all of their posts by that account on a “Timeline”.

Businesses need a Facebook Page in order to remain competitive. A Facebook Page is one of the easiest ways to start gaining brand recognition online, and can be used for advertising, promotional offers and giveaways as well as providing a place to interact with customers, clients or patients by sharing information, providing advice and answering questions or concerns.

Facebook is the behemoth of the social media world, surpassing 2 billion Active account users in May, 2017 of which 62% use it on a daily basis. Facebook is one of the fastest ways to build a fan base (a network) of people who know, like and trust your client.
You can create Fan Pages with unlimited numbers of fans.

Facebook is viral – your clients messaging can spread in seconds across other Facebook account owners networks.

 Facebook is easy to update – change a Status Message, Post to your clients Wall or add a video and all of their Friends will learn about it.

Facebook is also personal – it is how people get to know your client in a more personal way than is possible through their website.

Client Profile Page/Fan Page 

Visitors to the Client’s Fan Page should be able to tell clearly Who they are, and What they have to offer, and How your client (or his product or service) can help people. Ideally the page would be written in a personal style, trustworthy, likeable, and one that encourages interaction.

Mixing personal pictures, and videos together with business pictures and videos can help to create a warm, friendly experience for visitors to the page.

It is important to be honest, transparent and appear real to visitors too (clients who want to hide something are not as approachable).


                                                      Facebook Page Set Up

 In order to create a Facebook Page, you must have a Facebook account. Visit Facebook and fill out the form with your basic information.

You will then be redirected to your Facebook News Feed. See the "Create" link on the left side of the page and then choose "Page".

You will then have to select a page type. Choose company, as one day you will want to turn yourself into one.

Select a Category and enter a Company Name for your page

Upload a Profile Picture and a Cover Photo for your page. You can skip this steps for now if you not have found images to use.

You will then be taken to your new Facebook page. This is where you will be able to fill out an informational “about” page, add your blog url, and create a Facebook page that identifies you from other Facebook users.

Populate Your Page 

Facebook operates on a timeline format. This means that posts begin at the bottom of the page and run in chronological order with the newest posts appearing always at the top. The timeline begins with the founding date of your organization.
Click on "See all Page tips" to help build a better page. Choose the button you want to add to your Page and where you'd like to send people when they click on it.

                                                             Getting Likes 

Likes on Facebook are kind of like endorsements. You want 25 “Likes” for your Page as soon as possible because this “unlocks” the ability to choose a unique custom URL. When you hit 25 Likes, you can edit your URL to reflect your name without a series of random numbers after it.
You can usually get your first 25 Likes by asking members of your personal circle of family and friends to like the Page. You can also increase Likes by liking the pages of other people, particularly by searching for and liking pages having to do with being social online, as they are likely to Like your page back.
Another way to get Likes in a hurry is to get someone who has a huge number of Facebook fans to post your Page on their Wall. A lot of people with huge followings advertise this sort of service on websites such as “”, but before you pay out any money make sure you check out the satisfaction rankings. (Note: It is against Facebook’s TOS to buy Likes, but paying someone to simply share your Facebook Page with their own following is allowed.)
You can also generate likes by using Facebook Ads, by running a contest on your Page, and by simply participating on Facebook in Groups and on Pages with like-minded people.

 Identify Related Facebook Groups
Groups that are related to your clients niche
Groups that are related to your clients personal interests and hobbies
Groups that are related to your client (products/brands/companies)
Next join those Groups
Be active in the discussions that take place
Focus on adding users who are both active, and those with many friends
Follow your own newsfeed, which will give you Status updates of people you are friends with:
this means you can join in the discussion and be more active
it means you can work out the things they are interested in, identify problems they want to solve -then you can comment on their status updates as appropriate
don‘t be afraid to give an opinion, or to be controversial, but … avoid political and religious comments which can often offend other users
Apps like “Fangate” can help you customize your page, create a discount or coupon, and make your Page more Likeable!

Another terrific way to get likes is to run a giveaway. Announce that when the Page reaches a certain number of likes, your client will give away a prize. Everyone who likes the page will be entered. This is a quick way to get people to like your client’s Page. You can even use a giveaway app on the Page that will give extra entries in the giveaway to those who share the Page on their own Page or Facebook Wall, to reach more people.

Comment / Wall Posting are great ways to remain active, and draw new friends and fans.
Add new photos and videos and if they are related to other Facebook users, or of interest to other users then you can tag them
They could then appear on the users Wall, which can attract more friends for you
Regularly update your status, tell people what your Client is working on
Include links of things that you found interesting

For this to be effective you need to be regular and organized. This means scheduling a few minutes a day to carry out between 3-5 things per day. This way the Fan Page will always be fresh and interesting, and the social networking will branch out semi- automatically the more you do, the greater the expansion rate is.
Finally, simply asking people to “Help us reach our goal of — Likes!” will often spur people into Liking the Page just to help out.




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