Kenya 🇰🇪 Teachers Are The Most Well Paid In East Africa

ANALYSIS By Dorris Otieno Kenyan teachers are not only the best paid in East Africa, but also earn almost 12 times more than the country's average pay, a comparative study by Nation Newsplex and the Institute of Economic Affairs reveals. Even as teachers go on strike for the 12th time since their first industrial action in 1962, the analysis, which compares teachers' salaries in Kenya with those of their peers in select African countries , also finds that the lowest-paid teacher in Kenya earns more than the highest-paid teacher in Uganda. Uganda and South Africa were chosen as countries against which to compare wages of teachers because they have the most up-to-date data against which the comparison could be made. While Tanzania was not included in the comparison because only average pay for the year 2011 was available, even its figures indicated that Kenyan teachers earn more than their Tanzanian counterparts. The highest paid Kenyan teacher earns almost 12 times more than the...

Let the World Know; That Kilimanjaro Belongs To Tanzania (#KilimanjaroBelongsToTanzania)

Different Routes to the Top of Mount Kilimanjaro

Dear readers,
It is a common thing nowadays, reading newspapers, magazines, listening to radios, watching TVs, and browsing through all Digital Channels to hear that, ‘’Mount Kilimanjaro’’ is in Kenya. Such announcements are repeatedly uttered by a particular group of persons from Kenya and their agents abroad.

A recent post on the Tumblr blog by the name of ‘’Yet Another Plat’’, dishonestly and publicly declared that Mt. Kilimanjaro is in Kenya. This is a total lie to me, you and everybody reading this article, unless one gives concrete reasons to believe otherwise.

With that notion of people with crooked minds distorting reality about Mountain Kilimanjaro being in Tanzania, came up with an idea of creating a powerful hash- tag, and ultimately A #TwitterChat. The chat will be a starting point for like minded people to discuss all about the mountain and other factual data complementing its importance to the socioeconomic development.

The hash-tag will be a premise where chatters with a bias in and dealing with conservation, environment, alternative energies, rural and cultural tourism, education, historical art facts, tour operators, game hunters, hospitality, travel and air transport, foresters, fishing, mining, climatologists, agriculturalists, business managers, financiers and bankers come together to educate the general public about their activities in a particular industry. This will be conducted according to rules and regulations lay down by #Twitter under the supervision of the administrators.

The twitter chat under the hash-tag  #KilimanjaroBelongsToTanzania will be a weekly event to be held every Saturdays from 3.00pm to 4.00pm East African Standard Time.

Mostly welcome, and join us to the destination ‘’Kilimanjaro Belongs To Tanzania.’’ Let’s Talk the World, let’s Talk Tanzania!

Snow at Mount Kilimanjaro as captured on camera on the 2nd & 3rd January, 2018.


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