Kenya 🇰🇪 Teachers Are The Most Well Paid In East Africa

ANALYSIS By Dorris Otieno Kenyan teachers are not only the best paid in East Africa, but also earn almost 12 times more than the country's average pay, a comparative study by Nation Newsplex and the Institute of Economic Affairs reveals. Even as teachers go on strike for the 12th time since their first industrial action in 1962, the analysis, which compares teachers' salaries in Kenya with those of their peers in select African countries , also finds that the lowest-paid teacher in Kenya earns more than the highest-paid teacher in Uganda. Uganda and South Africa were chosen as countries against which to compare wages of teachers because they have the most up-to-date data against which the comparison could be made. While Tanzania was not included in the comparison because only average pay for the year 2011 was available, even its figures indicated that Kenyan teachers earn more than their Tanzanian counterparts. The highest paid Kenyan teacher earns almost 12 times more than the...

Investment Opportunities Available in Beekeeping Industry in Tanzania

 Investment Opportunities Available in Beekeeping Industry in Tanzania

Tanzania has a large potential for the establishment and management of bee reserves. Beekeeping plays a major role in socio  –  economic development and environmental conservation. It is a source of food (honey pollen and brood); raw materials for various industries, medicine and income for beekeepers. The sector’s contribution to the GDP is 1%. It is a source of employment, provides income to the people, a source of recreation, ecotourism and foreign exchange earner.  The estimated potential of bee products is about 138,000 tons of honey and 9,200 tons of beeswax per annum from an estimated potential of 9.2 million honeybee colonies. Reports show that only 4,860 tons of honey and 324 tons beeswax are produced annually, about 3.5 percent of the production potentials of bee products are tapped. Traditional beekeepers are the main producers of these products. Other non-wood products include tanwin, gum Arabic, wattle, and medicinal plants.  The  beekeeping segment offers numerous areas of investments, such as:

Establishment of bee apiaries

Honeybees are natural components of the ecosystem; they freely go across in public (unreserved) lands, forest reserves, game reserves and national parks. Cultivated plants such as sunflower, legumes, citrus trees, sisal, coffee, bananas, and maize, are also suitable for beekeeping. Apiaries can, therefore, be established across a wide range of ecosystems.

Production of beekeeping equipment

Opportunities exist for manufacturing and supply of equipment used in bee keeping such as e.g. bee hives, protective gears, honey presses, honey extractors etc.

Establishment of Bee products Based Industries

There is potential for investing in industries such as in the manufacturing of bees wax candles, shoe polishes, wood polishes, lubricants and pharmaceutical products. Honey packing plants and other industries, which use honey to make honey beer, wine, and confectioneries also qualify for investment.


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