Kenya 🇰🇪 Teachers Are The Most Well Paid In East Africa

ANALYSIS By Dorris Otieno Kenyan teachers are not only the best paid in East Africa, but also earn almost 12 times more than the country's average pay, a comparative study by Nation Newsplex and the Institute of Economic Affairs reveals. Even as teachers go on strike for the 12th time since their first industrial action in 1962, the analysis, which compares teachers' salaries in Kenya with those of their peers in select African countries , also finds that the lowest-paid teacher in Kenya earns more than the highest-paid teacher in Uganda. Uganda and South Africa were chosen as countries against which to compare wages of teachers because they have the most up-to-date data against which the comparison could be made. While Tanzania was not included in the comparison because only average pay for the year 2011 was available, even its figures indicated that Kenyan teachers earn more than their Tanzanian counterparts. The highest paid Kenyan teacher earns almost 12 times more than the...

Investment Opportunities in the Education Sector in Tanzania

Investment Opportunities in the Education Sector in Tanzania
The demand for investment in educational services is also enormous.  The government ensures the most of providing education to most of the schooling population.  Lately,  the private sector has been involved to a certain extent,   but the fact remains that,   the capacity of educational institutions—from elementary to college levels—can hardly accommodate just a proportion of the huge supply of prospective students.  Despite the achievements made in this sector,  in order to meet the demand for skilled labor by  2015/16,  institutions of higher education need at least 80,000 skilled graduates each year, which implies almost two times of current enrollment.

In addition,   Vocational   Training schools shall need to produce approximately  635,000   compared to current   116,000. These educational goals are in line with the  Government’s  objective to have  26,000 physical scientists;  88,000  architects and engineers;   22,000   life scientists;   64,000 medical,  dental,  and veterinary scientists; 30,000 economists; 63,000 accountants; etc. So as to cope with globalization and local skill needs in the knowledge  based economy,  the education sector plays a   huge role hence opportunities to establish  “centers of excellence”  in the hospitality industry,  agriculture, trade, manufacturing, financial services,    engineering and information technology,  to produce highly skilled manpower. In summary, investment opportunities in the education sector may be explained by referring  to  the  government  objectives  [as laid  down  in  2011-16  development  plan],  which involves:

•  Improve availability of skilled labor 

•  Train diploma and    grade A  teachers in Teachers’ colleges 

•  Improve learning and    teaching environment for Folk Development Centres/Colleges 

•  Provision of   scholarships for    targeted skills   (development   of   natural   gas, uranium, iron and steel and petroleum) 

•  Improve and    increase the    number of training   centers   and   programs   as suggested  in  the  strategic  interventions  and/or activities/projects of each of the core priority sector

•  Improve accessibility and    equity at   all levels of education 

•  Improve quality at  all   levels of  education 

•  Increase student enrollment in science and engineering, education, agriculture and health profession.    


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